Many men only start to worry about how to deal with their hairstyle when they walk into a barbershop. They struggle with communication, fail to connect with their barber Tony, and end up with a terrible hairstyle. That's why this article will cover knowledge about men's hair salons and hairstyles. It's also suitable for women to read and help their boyfriends do their homework.
Truly Authentic Barbershops#
Based on my observations of different types of barbershops, they can be categorized into three types: "Community", "Chain", and "Specialty".
Community types are like the 10 yuan quick cut shops downstairs. They meet the basic needs of haircuts and provide quick services. The styling and techniques are considered "underground".
Chain types have notable features such as card promotions, prepaid packages, and fancy combos. They operate on an assembly line, precisely timing each customer. The skills of the hairstylists vary, and they often have a high turnover rate.
Specialty types are represented by "BarberShops". Most of them focus on men's slicked-back hairstyles. They are characterized by wide and cluttered workstations, and the hairstylists usually have tattoos.
Genuine or Fake Specialty?#
When it comes to barbershops, let's focus on the "Specialty" type. First, let's address some fake shops. Some chain types try to imitate the specialty type, or the specialty types struggle to maintain their uniqueness and gradually shift towards becoming chain types. Both situations require attention.
The first situation involves shops that claim to specialize in slicked-back hairstyles but actually operate and charge like chain types. You'll most likely fall into a trap with this kind of shop.
The second situation is when a BarberShop has too many chairs. If they can accommodate more customers than they can handle, they have started operating like an assembly line, gradually eroding the value of their brand. If they can't keep up, they will leave.
Specialty Types#
In China, a large proportion of men have never been to a specialty barbershop, also known as a BarberShop. They may not even know if an appointment is required and might run in and ask if they can get their hair washed. This is a common situation, so don't feel embarrassed.
Specialty types are usually categorized as American, British, or Japanese slicked-back hairstyles. Some shops only specialize in specific hairstyles (such as medium-length hairstyles for men).
BarberShops that cater to the younger generation may offer dreadlocks, reggae styles, or African-American perms, leaning towards a HipHop style. ~~~Usually, not many people can pull off these hairstyles~~~.
Once you have determined which style you prefer, the next step is to understand the individual styles of the hairstylists in the shop. You can find their work on social media (not every hairstylist is a hexagonal warrior).
Communication about Hairstyles#
There is no one-size-fits-all hairstyle that suits everyone. To find a hairstyle that suits you, you need to look and learn more. You need to determine your own style before you can shape your hairstyle.
A person's style is presented visually and is related to their clothing and overall appearance. It is inappropriate to separate the hairstyle from this overall image. You need to consider whether the hairstyle suits your usual appearance.
In fact, ~~~barbers usually create a closed conversation space to bring out your true thoughts or make you show them pictures of hairstyles you like.~~~
Communication Details and Perm Details#
Communication is the first step in shaping a hairstyle. You can't just say, "I'll leave it to you today!" at the beginning. This is terrifying for the hairstylist.
Of course, we are not professionals in hairdressing, so it is important to make sure that Tony understands what we mean. Here are a few examples:
- For Asians, avoid cutting the sides too short. Tell the hairstylist to maintain the contour on both sides and not to cut them too short.
- Avoid a heavy look on the top. Tell the hairstylist to create a soft and light feel.
- If you want some layers, tell the hairstylist to cut the ends of your hair into pieces to create a layered effect.
- For example, if you have a round or square face, let the hairstylist know so they can provide a suitable solution.
Most men have straight and slightly coarse hair, which they don't usually style. If you want to achieve your ideal hairstyle, you may need to get a perm. ~~~Looking cool comes at a price~~~.
There are many ways to perm hair, but the basic goal is the same. The first step is to break certain bonds in the hair to soften it and make it easier to style (the effect is temporary, as the new hair that grows will not be affected). The second step is to restore the broken bonds to achieve the desired look.
Many people say they want to get a perm, but what they really want is to add some curvature to their hair, not to make it look like instant noodles. The key is to communicate effectively with the hairstylist.
For example, let's say I'm going to get a perm today. I have done my homework beforehand, looked in the mirror, and know my hair type and length. I found hairstyle photos online that are similar to my hair length, with three types of curls: C, J, and S. I clearly tell the hairstylist that I want a C-shaped texture. The purpose of perming my hair is to make it easier to style, not to create curls.
The consequences of a failed perm can be seen in Korean ajummas.
If you want to get a perm, you need to be mentally prepared for the chemicals. Every chemical has its side effects, and the cost varies. For specialty shops, they usually offer only one type of perm package. ~~~The actual effect of different-priced packages is similar~~~. Don't fantasize about buying perm chemicals online. The chemicals available online are usually very strong, and the side effects are also significant.
As for those Korean-style curling irons and adhering perms, ~~~it's better to throw away those toys like curling irons. They may be fun to use a couple of times, but using them every day is troublesome and expensive!~~~ Adhering perms are just a waste of money. There are very few that actually look good.
When it comes to communicating with the hairstylist about perming, there are two points to consider.
- If you're lazy and don't like to style your hair, simply let them know. They will probably give you a more curly perm.
- If you're willing to learn how to style your hair but unsure if you can commit to it, just let them know. They will teach you the basics of styling.